About Policy Committees
What are Policy Committees?
Through committee membership, NASWA members have a seat at the table to effectively influence policy development. NASWA committees help define policies on issues that are critical to state workforce agencies. These groups are active throughout the year and meet regularly in order to collaborate on key issues across the national workforce system.
How NASWA Members Can Join A Policy Committee
It’s easy! State workforce agency administrators should submit an email to naswa@naswa.org nominating an individual from their state for a specific committee. This can be done at any time. NASWA strives to have a representative from each state to participate in every policy committee.
Policy Committees
Administration and Finance
The mission of the Administration and Finance Committee is to
- refine UI administrative funding reform with the UI Committee as needed;
- analyze UI Trust Fund financing issues and strategies; and
- develop a polling mechanism to provide fast and more accurate information on how states are spending and obligating funds and complete the NASWA State Supplemental Funding Survey.
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The mission of the Communications Committee is to increase and enhance communications between NASWA and member states, bring attention to and advocate for the work being undertaken on important workforce and unemployment insurance activities and policies nationally and in the states, and leverage messaging at the state and national levels.
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Employment & Training
The Employment and Training Committee is a vital asset for NASWA, providing state workforce administrators and senior staff a forum to:
- share information and solutions with other states on emerging issues related to the major workforce development programs;
- assist the NASWA Board with development of NASWA's legislative and other priorities; and
- inform the efforts of Federal policymakers, researchers, and partners.
The most frequently discussed grants are:
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA);
- Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Services;
- Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA) for UI claimants'; Apprenticeship;
- WIOA partner programs (Vocational Rehabilitation, Adult Basic Education, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, SNAP, Child Care, Medicaid);
- Trade Adjustment Assistance; and
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Foreign Labor Certification, and services for veterans and other special populations.
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Equal Opportunity
The Equal Opportunity Committee's mission is to provide a forum for state workforce agency Equal Opportunity Officers to discuss current EO issues, develop recommendations on how the workforce system can best meet regulatory compliance of its programs under federal law and regulations and advise their state administrators as appropriate.
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The Technology Committee is a valuable forum for State Workforce Agency CIO/Technology Directors to share best practices and lead discussions on implementation and improvement of Workforce/Employment Services and Unemployment Insurance IT Systems.
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Unemployment Insurance
The mission of the Unemployment Insurance Committee is to provide state input on unemployment insurance policies, performance requirements, administrative funding, and ways to strengthen the state-federal UI system.
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Unemployment Insurance Subcommittee on Interstate Benefits
The mission of the Unemployment Insurance Committee is to provide state input on unemployment insurance policies, performance requirements, administrative funding, and ways to strengthen the state-federal UI system.
Veterans Affairs
The mission of the Veterans Affairs Committee is to advise State Workforce Administrators on issues related to workforce programs for Veterans, primarily the Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) program, Wagner-Peyser Act program and required Priority of Service for Veterans in all U.S. Department of Labor-funded employment and training programs. The Committee provides a forum for state Veteran program leaders to discuss policy and procedure, share promising practices, and hear about pending legislation.
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Wage and Hour
NASWA’s newest Committee is being formed! The Wage and Hour Committee will provide a forum for state employees charged with enforcing wage and hour laws.
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Workforce & Labor Market Information
The Workforce & Labor Market Information (WLMI) Committee provides a forum for state Labor Market Information directors and other workforce agency staff to:
- discuss collecting, analyzing, and customizing workforce and labor market information to serve a broad range of programs and customers;
- share promising practices internally and with other NASWA stakeholders; and
- advise the NASWA Board of Directors and State Administrators on advocacy and policy matters.
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