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Wednesday, April 19
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Concurrent Breakout Session: Hot Topics in IT and How They Are Being Addressed

Edison South (2nd Floor)


Theme: Technical Objectives

Hot Topics in IT and How They Are Being Addressed

The technology stack is ever-changing at an incredible pace. Come listen in as we talk about changes we are considering for SIDES and learn about RPAs and its application to UI.



KK Raghavan, Technical Architect & Advisor, UI ITSC, NASWA


Jason Holzbach, SIDES System Architect, AEM Corporation
Amy Perez, Timeliness Supervisor, Office of Unemployment Insurance, USDOL
Nidhi Tandon, Project Coordinator, UI Tiger Teams Projects, NASWA
David Zemel, SIDES Contractor, Atos

NASWA Affiliates