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Thursday, August 8
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans: Becoming Culturally Competent

Franklin Square


Get rid of any stereotypes you have about American Indians from bad Hollywood movies and television, and learn how you can grow your understanding of American Indian/Alaska Native Veteran cultures and traditions. There are over 570 tribes in the United States, and all of them have their own history, tradition, language and culture. This session – presented by three American Indians who represent three different tribes (the Seneca, Apache and Sioux) – will give you valuable insight in how to work effectively with American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans. This session is one of three addressing the needs of American Indian/Alaska native Veterans.

Moderator: Matt Brogdon*, Founder, Pathfinder Consulting

Presenters: Juanita Mullen*, American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans Liaison, US Department of Veterans Affairs; MSG Lorena Wilson*, Regional Deputy Director, Northeast US & Europe, Soldier for Life; Christopher Key, CEO & Founder, True North Diversified; other speakers to be identified


 (*) Denotes the individual is currently serving or is a Veteran of the United States military. If they are wearing a Veteran ribbon on their name badge, please thank them for their service.

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