Mastering dX: Partnering with IT for Workforce System Digital Transformation
Webinar Details
The Workforce ITSC 'Mastering Digital Transformation (dX)' monthly webinar series explores critical roles and skills public workforce leaders need to champion digital innovation in service delivery while mitigating potential risks.
Join us for the August session, Partnering with IT for Workforce Digital Transformation on Thursday, August 22, 2024 (12:30 – 1:15 p.m. ET). Registration closes August 22, 2024, or earlier if capacity is reached.
The final webinar in the 2024 Mastering dX series focuses on how leaders can foster stronger collaboration between workforce development and IT departments to achieve a more positive digital transformation (dX) service delivery.
Today’s technology offers immense potential. Cloud-based solutions, off-the-shelf applications, and even generative AI can streamline service delivery processes and enhance the value offered to customers. However, workforce leaders sometimes struggle to engage IT and procurement in this transformative journey.
This facilitated discussion will address this very challenge. We’ll explore strategies to improve collaboration and drive successful system transformation. Doug Robinson and Scott B. Sanders will tackle key issues and discuss how we can build successful partnerships and improve outcomes.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain new insights from system leaders.

Rick Maher - President & CEO, Adaptive Human Capital; Workforce IT Support Center Consultant

Doug Robinson - Executive Director, National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO)

Scott B. Sanders - President and CEO, National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA)
This webinar series targets leaders and key staff of education, IT and workforce system agency professionals.
For questions regarding this webinar series, contact
The deadline to register for this webinar is August 22, or earlier if capacity is reached.
NASWA Workforce ITSC offers a range of services to support all workforce system partners, NASWA Members and Government Partners, as they work collaboratively to meet current and future customer needs. Learn more about Workforce ITSC at