Mastering dX: Upskilling Your Workforce for the Age of AI
Webinar Details
The Workforce ITSC 'Mastering Digital Transformation (dX)' monthly webinar series runs from February through September this year. The series explores the critical roles and skills public workforce leaders need to champion digital innovation in service delivery while mitigating potential risks.
Join us for the March session, Upskilling Your Workforce for the Age of AI , co-sponsored with InnovateUS, on Thursday, March 28 from 12:30 - 1:15 p.m. ET.
This session will focus on helping system leaders better understand the emerging technology and how it can be employed to improve system productivity and value for the customer. Our panelists, Beth Simone Noveck and Seth Harris, will explore AI and its potential role in system transformation. Beth will discuss her recent testimony in Congress and share her insights on leveraging the power of AI. Additionally, Beth and Seth will provide information on The Burnes Center's offerings that can assist system leaders in preparing their workforce for the safe and effective use of AI.
Rick Maher, President & CEO, Adaptive Human Capital

Beth Simone Noveck, Director, The Governance Lab and The Burnes Center for Social Change at Northeastern University; Director of InnovateUS

Seth D. Harris, Senior Fellow, Burnes Center for Social Change at Northeastern University; Former top labor advisor to President Biden and Deputy Director of the White House's National Economic Council
This webinar series targets leaders and key staff of education and workforce system agencies.
For questions regarding this webinar series, contact
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