
SIDES 401: Building the Foundation for Employer Success | SIDES Webinar Series

February 11, 2022
Register by February 11, 2022

Webinar Details

SIDES is hosting the sixth of a webinar series called Building the Foundation for Employer Success. This sixth webinar is titled SIDES 401 and will be held on February 11, 2022, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


Set your employers up for success on the State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES). Join the NASWA SIDES team and State Workforce Agencies as they explore successful practices and helpful tips for E-Response employers. Topics will include the importance of establishing a state help desk, a preview of the new E-Response websites, and communicating with employers about the benefits of SIDES. Each weekly webinar will be 30 minutes, followed by a brief Q & A.

The SIDES 401 webinar will focus on the following topics:

  • Employer Communications
  • Announcing the New E-Response to Employers

Who Should Attend?

This webinar series is designed for State Workforce Agency staff, including SIDES liaisons, SIDES help desk personnel, and other appropriate state staff.


Contact UISIDES@naswa.org with any questions.