Common Unique Identifier Project

The NMDWS "Common Unique Identifier" or CUID applies to external WIOA citizen-customers across agencies and software applications. NMDWS sought to create a identifier clearinghouse by collecting and analyzing the availability, structure, accuracy, and completeness of partner agency data, which are qualified as the personal identifying information (PII) of individuals, who interact with Unemployment Insurance, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Employment Services, NM's Higher Education Department (HED), NM's Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and NM's Commission for the Blind (CFB) in accordance with WIOA. DWS built automated processes using ODI – Oracle Data Integrator and OEDQ – Oracle Enterprise Data Quality to perform record extraction, comparison, matching, and "CUID" creation in an efficient manner. The DWS automated system compares WIOA Core Program partner data and, then, creates and maintains a Common Unique Identifier or CUID. Once created, the CUID captures and stores data needed to report and communicate the CUID information back to the source systems for incorporation into their reporting datasets. In short, New Mexico has been able to utilize the CUID to facilitate the exchange of information about an individual among the source systems. Finally, NMDWS generates a data validation report to maintain and validate the data quality and communicate to the partner agencies when requested. As the CUID continues to add data, it will mature into a Master Identifier Management system and ensure further integration among all participating New Mexico State agencies' systems.