Louisiana Earns Award for Expungement Initiative
WASHINGTON – The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) honored the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) with the prestigious William J. Harris Equal Opportunity Award, presented by the Equal Opportunity (EO) Committee, at the 2024 Winter Policy Forum in Washington, D.C. This award recognizes a state demonstrating excellence and innovation in the area of equal opportunity.
Through partnerships with the Justice and Accountability Center of Louisiana and the Southern University Law Center, the LWC began an initiative for statewide expungements. By removing obstacles related to criminal history, reinstating suspended driver’s licenses and offering no-cost workshops on expungement topics, citizens were afforded increased services for employment, education, housing, and volunteer opportunities. This significantly contributed toward the achievement of equal opportunity and non-discrimination, while also improving lives and strengthening communities.
Since the inception of this initiative, the LWC has hosted 23 expungement clinics (2,715 individual served & 356 granted expungements) which increase access to good paying jobs and equal opportunity.
“Louisiana’s successful implementation of its Statewide Expungement Initiative is an excellent and successful innovation for other states to follow,” NASWA President and CEO Scott B. Sanders said. “This equal opportunity initiative guides individuals through potential hurdles toward employment while continuing to strengthen the workforce.”
"In partnership with the Southern University Law Center, we served over 2,700 Louisiana residents in 2023," said the Louisiana Workforce Commission Secretary, Susana Schowen. "Some of our people struggle with finding employment due to previous charges, and this initiative allows us to help. Not only are expungement services offered, but our Mobile Workforce Unit assists with resume writing, job seeking, and filling out applications. We are proud to be of service to our residents and look forward to continuing our efforts to improve the lives of the people of Louisiana."
For more information, visit NASWA’s Winter Policy Forum and Equal Opportunity Committee webpages.
About the Louisiana Workforce Commission (laworks.net): The Louisiana Workforce Commission is an agency of state government that administers programs designed to enhance workforce growth and provide family-sustaining jobs for Louisiana residents. The commission monitors employment, administers unemployment compensation and tax funds, provides training resources for employers and employees, and oversees worker compensation benefits. The agency also gathers and supplies information on Louisiana's labor market and occupational sectors.