NASWA Letter to Senate Majority and Minority Leaders on EUC Extension

NASWA President Mark Henry (MS) urged the Senate not to make significant changes to the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act program (EUC08) because states would have trouble implementing changes.

In the letter, President Henry indicated that certain changes to a possible three-month extension will cause implementation delays and increase administrative problems.   As a result, some states might decide that such changes are not feasible in the time available, and therefore might not sign the U.S. Department of Labor’s agreement to operate the program.

While NASWA does not have a position on whether to extend EUC, the letter noted that a majority of states have said implementing changes could take at least two to three months.  Difficulties arise if states are required to reduce weeks in the first two tiers, offset disability payments, and conduct an income-based means test for individuals who reported high incomes in the prior tax year. 

The letter went on to say that the quickest way to implement an extension would be to extend the effective dates without program changes.  But, if the Senate decides to make changes, removing the higher tiers from the program would assist states in a timely implementation. 

President Henry noted that most states are struggling with antiquated and rigid computer systems that make it very hard to implement changes quickly and effectively.

Please click the PDF above for the full letter.