Integrity Data Hub (IDH)

Fight Fraud with the Integrity Data Hub

The IDH is a unique, secure, multistate data system with advanced data cross-matching and analysis capability that detects and prevents UI fraud and improper payments. Designed to be easily accessible, the IDH supports states with varying levels of resources and technology. Participating states provide UI claims data and receive prioritized results for review and investigation.

 ID Verification Lookups Conducted for States



 Total Improper Payments IDH Assisted States in Preventing



All data reported through December 2024

IDH Gear

Request For Proposals (RFP)

The IDH Team has launched a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking qualified vendors who can identify and integrate additional data sources to help the IDH support states through its cross-matching services.

View RFP Webinar Recording

View RFP Timeline

Project Activity


Issue RFPJanuary 24, 2025
Bidders Conference/WebinarFebruary 13, 2025 (3:00 p.m. ET)
RFP Due Date and TimeMarch 14, 2025 (5:00 p.m. ET)
Notice of Contract AwardApril 7, 2025
Kick-off MeetingApril 14, 2025
Contract Period (4 months)April - July, 2025

Cross-Matching, Fraud Alerting, and Data Analysis

Cross Matching Icon

UI claims data is crossmatched against multiple data sources such as the Suspicious Actor Repository and the Multistate Claims Database to identify fraudulent claims. Other available services include the identification of claims filed outside the U.S. and those with suspicious bank accounts, emails or email patterns, Identity Verification Service, and Bank Account Verification Service, which authenticates claimant identities and bank account information.

Fraud Alerting

A secure, robust fraud alerting system allows states to quickly share and collaborate on emergent fraud activity across the country. Information shared can include anecdotal information as well as specific data elements.

Data Analysis

Potential fraudulent activity is identified by the analysis of data and trends in UI claims data. States can also receive targeted fraud analytics information, reports, and visualizations as they fully leverage IDH services.

IDH Support Team

The IDH team has a state support team that includes operation specialists to assist state workforce agencies with the implementation and utilization of the IDH. While the specialists are available for any state, they have been assigned to regions as a point of contact. The specialists and their assigned USDOL regions are:

CJ Littleton

Regions 1, 4 & 6

Kendrah Gonzalez

Regions 2, 3 & 5

Continuous Evolution

The IDH Team is constantly working to add additional data sources and capabilities to enhance the IDH. If you are interested in learning more about the IDH, including the potential for a no-cost onsite visit to your State please contact us.

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