Michigan’s Incarcerated Veterans’ In-Reach Program Garners Award
WASHINGTON – The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) honored the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity with the prestigious Pinnacle Award for Workforce Development at the 2024 Winter Policy Forum in Washington, D.C. Presented by the Employment & Training Committee, this award is bestowed upon a state demonstrating excellence and innovation in workforce development.
Through a partnership with the state Department of Corrections, the Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity created the Michigan Incarcerated Veterans’ In-reach Program (MIVIP) to provide employment and career services to incarcerated veterans via workshops and post release services at 24 correctional facilities. The program brings pre-release education, employment assistance, and career guidance to veterans involved with the criminal justice system. Upon release, the veterans continue with an individualized plan for ongoing support.
Since the program’s inception in December 2022, 174 veterans have been served and 152 enrolled in the MIVIP workshops. Of those 152 veteran participants, 47 have been paroled with a zero percent recidivism rate.
“Michigan’s Incarcerated Veterans’ In-reach Program is a wonderful innovation which helps provide the necessary resources and education for workforce reentry,” NASWA President and CEO Scott B. Sanders said. “This program is providing incarcerated veterans with necessary support and appreciation for their service to our country.”
“Our Michigan Incarcerated Veterans’ In-Reach Program goes beyond providing employment and wrap-around services – it helps our former military members leverage their training, skills and leadership abilities to gain meaningful, self-sustaining employment,” said LEO Director Susan Corbin. “We're helping veterans understand how their military experiences can bring value to the civilian workplace while removing significant barriers to employment for justice-involved veterans, creating an often-overlooked talent pipeline with the skilled workers needed to help Michigan businesses succeed in our global economy.”
For more information, visit NASWA’s Winter Policy Forum and Employment & Training Committee webpages.
About the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity (Michigan.gov/leo): The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) provides the connections, expertise and innovative solutions to drive continued business growth, build vibrant communities, create affordable housing, generate tourism and attract and retain key talent to fill Michigan’s vast pipeline of opportunities. Learn more at www.michigan.gov/LEO.