Masterclass Series: Accelerating Workforce Digital Transformation
Participate in the Masterclass Series to help lead your organization through a changing and increasingly digital world. The series is designed for workforce and education leaders and those responsible for delivering new and better customer services.
Get INSPIRED: through Voices of the System
Hear system stakeholders share insights about the vision for digital transformation.
Get PREPARED: by completing a Quick Start Action Tool (QSAT)
Discover how you can start or continue your digital transformation journey.
Take Stock
To move strategically, use the QSAT to identify where you are and where you want to go as an organization and as a system.
- The QSAT provides insights on where your organization stands along the digital transformation framework: Urgency, Vision, Discovery, Design and Value Delivery.
Create a Roadmap
Once you have completed the QSAT, you will receive a summary report of the results.
- Review the results to identify strengths, gaps, leverage points, recommended resources.
Quick Start Action Tool Digital Transformation Roadmap
Questions? Contact the Workforce IT Support Center at

Digital Transformation Framework
Get ENGAGED: with Live Learning Events
Meet virtually with world-class instructors and peers to build your capacity for transformation in the digital age.
Masterclass Series: Accelerating Workforce Digital Transformation
Session 1: August 10, 2023 | Session 2: August 17, 2023 | Session 3: August 24, 2023 | Session 4: September 7, 2023
Join past Masterclass instructors and workforce educators and innovators Rick Maher and David Eaves as they guide attendees forward utilizing the Workforce ITSC framework. Using knowledge gained in the first three Masterclass events in 2022, participants will learn how to create a vision for digital transformation, define their current state and problems, assemble a team, and produce a specific action plan in their digital transformation journey.
NASWA Member Agency representation is mandatory on each state team. Once each state team has been approved, login information will be communicated.
More Learning Resources
Browse valuable resources as you create and navigate the digital transformation road ahead